Artistic Curriculum



Enzo Carro is a neapolitan singer (tenor), comic character, actor & musician. He plays classic guitar & folk drums (tambourine, castanets, etc.). He is composer & author of songs, theatrical plays, poems, etc. (he wrote and performed more than 50 recital and concerts). Very often he is on tour abroad singing Neapolitan Classical Songs: U.S.A., Japan, Germany, Switzerland, Russia, Austria, Hungary, Morocco, Poland, Moldova, etc. He performs alone, playing a classic guitar. He has worked with several musical bands and theatrical companies in different kinds of shows: opera choir, operetta, variety, musical, cabaret and ballad-singer.


Here you will find his publications.


Here you will find his videos on YouTube.


Here you will find all his shows written and staged.




This page lists the main activities carried out over the years (tours, publications, artistic projects, courses, collaborations, etc.).




Performances in Roma, Napoli, Firenze.

Directs the amateur choir Anema e coro, in the province of Latina.

Publishes the book Sono appena tornato dall’Aldilà

Publishes the book Il Madagascar ha sete




Performances in Roma, Firenze, Latina, Palermo.

Directs the amateur choir Anema e coro, in the province of Latina.

Writes and stages the solo recital I dreamed Carosone

Publishes the book Paolo IV: il papa scomodo

Publishes the book La “Favola” dell’Unità d’Italia

Publishes the book Mamma, chi era San Gennaro?




Performances in Firenze (Scandicci), Firenze (San Casciano), Tufo (Latina), Salerno (Oliveto Citra), Costa Masnaga (Lecco), Formia (Latina).

Directs the amateur choir Anema e coro, in the province of Latina.

Publishes the book La tombola del doppio senso

Publishes the book È morto il matto




Performances in Firenze (Scandicci), Salerno (Oliveto Citra), Palermo.

Directs the amateur choir Anema e coro, in the province of Latina.

Publishes the book Gennaro, il Santo

Publishes the book Prefissi & Suffissi

Publishes the book Il mistero della risata

Publishes the book Buon Natale, don Pascà




Performances in Mistretta (Messina), Campobasso and Spigno Saturnia (Latina)

Directs the amateur choir Anema e coro, in the province of Latina.

Writes and directs the short film Mi dispiace, ma è chiuso!

Publishes the book Ipotetica poetica

Publishes the book Il bugiardo di Neapolis




Tour in Sicily (Palermo): Agricantus Theater, Pagliarelli Theater and Santa Sofia Hospital.

Directs the amateur choir Anema e coro, in the province of Latina.

Directs the amateur choir Coro Smile, in Roma




Tour in Sicily: Bisacquino (Palermo), Isola delle femmine (Palermo) Levanzo (Trapani), Ventimiglia di Sicilia (Palermo).

Directs the amateur choir Anema e coro, in the province of Latina.

Publishes the book Novelle per bambini di una certa età

Teaches comic acting in Padua

Takes part at the theatrical project Cuntanno nu cunto pe na jatta affatata (with Anita Pavone)

Writes and stages the solo recital Favole napoletane

Writes and stages the solo recital I segreti di Totò

Writes and stages the solo recital Mamma e Madonna




Performances in Switzerland (Eschenbach).

Tour in Sicily: Santo Stefano di Camastra (Messina), Trapani, Villafrati (Palermo), Sperlinga (Enna), Petralia Soprana (Palermo), Ustica (Palermo), Cefalù (Palermo), Scopello (Trapani), Geraci (Palermo).

ts the amateur choir Anema e coro, in the province of Latina.

Publishes the book Ortografia della lingua napoletana

Record and deliver online (on YouTube) a series of videos to teach How to write in neapolitan language.

Writes and stages the solo recital Ero Zen e non lo sapevo

Writes and stages the solo recital A me mi piace lavorare




Founds and directs the amateur choir Anema e coro, in the province of Latina.

Tour in Sicily: Milazzo (Messina), Gibellina (Trapani), Alcamo (Trapani), Castelbuono (Palermo), Terrasini (Palermo).

Teaches napolitan writing.

Teaches comic acting in Padova

Teaches comic acting in Bari

Writes and stages the solo recital Dai menestrelli medievali alle villanelle napoletane del ‘500




Performances in Switzerland (Rapperswill).

Publishes the book Turnammo a scrivere napulitano

Takes part at the theatrical project ‘O surdato nnammurato with Lisetta Luchini and Francesco Burroni.

Takes part at the theatrical project Amore, amore, amore… amore un corno! (with Lisetta Luchini)

Teaches comic acting.

Teaches folk singing.

Writes and stages the solo recital Napoli canta: da Caruso a Carosone




Performances in France (Montecarlo).

Founder with Lisetta Luchini of the Firenze Folk Studio (the house of Tuscany folk music).

Publishes the book Firenze: che spasso andarci a spasso

Teaches comic acting.

Teaches folk singing.




Performances in Switzerland (Rapperswill).

Teaches comic acting.

Teaches folk singing.

Takes part (as a tenor) at the musical project Florentine Tree tenor.




Collaborates with folk music groups in Southern Italy: Maltempo (Formia - LT) and Ancia libera (NA).

Published the book La tombola del doppio senso

Writes and takes part at the musical project Canti e suoni dai mercati (with Lisetta Luchini).

Writes and stages the solo recital Napoli canta: la canzone d’autore




Teaches folk singing in a course at the association Taranta, in Florence.

Writes and takes part at the theatrical project Tour of Italy, presented at the MIC Milan (about 4000 spectators). Participates actor Daniel Marcori.

Writes and stages the solo recital La favola dell’Unità d’Italia

Writes and stages the solo recital Risate cantate




Teaches folk singing in a course at the association Taranta, in Florence.

Takes part at the musical project Canti di un’esposizione, in memory of the researcher Alessandro Fornari, in Fiesole, with Lisetta Luchini, Judith, James Squire, Barbara Calamai and the Cantatorri chorus.

Takes part (as a tenor) at the theatrical project Si, by Pietro Mascagni (libretto by Carlo Lombardo) at the Casino Nobile di Villa Torlonia (Rome) with Paola Pinto (soprano), Eleonora Marziali (soprano), Giorgiana Pelliccia (soprano), Andrea Fermi (tenor), Pierluigi Morizio (actor) and Massimo Scapin (pianist).

Takes part at the project Tutto Totò, giving voice to the great comedian in recording its one hundred most famous beats in an application for iPhone and iPad, available on the Apple Store.

Takes part at the musical project Natale fra patrizi e plebei (with Paola Pinto, Adolfo Cappello and Chiara Paolilli)




Takes part at the musical project Varietà per varie… età at the Teatro della Pergola in Florence, with some of the leading Florentine artists: Sergio Forconi, Lisetta Luchini, Giovanna Brilli, Raul Bulgherini, Giovanni Lepri, Marco Bucci, Alessandra May, Mauro Caiani Alessandro Pegoraro and Anna Ugolini.

Takes part at the theatrical project Purpurrì (la strapazzata Commedia), with the actor Alessio Sardelli.

Writes and stages the solo recital Enrico Caruso: una voce napoletana




Takes part at the multimedial conference What is the soul? (A travel to the discovery of the soul from Platone to L. Ron Hubbard) with the lecturer Gabriele Segalla and the artist Daniele Lorenzo Fumagalli. Performances in Milan, Florence & Montecatini.

Takes part at the musical project Da Carosone a Buscaglione (passando per Firenze) with Titta Nesti, Adolfo Cappello, Giovanni Pecchioli, Franco Nesti and Stefano Rapicavoli, produced by Teatro Le Laudi (Florence).

Writes and stages the solo recital Dalla Leggenda del Piave a Tammurriata nera




Takes part at the theatrical project Alla ribalta, with Lisetta Luchini, Giovanni Lepri, Luca di Volo and Eleonora Tassinari, produced by Teatro Le Laudi (Florence).

Composes the music for the poem Nun sarrà stato Dio by Vincenzo Russo and takes part at the event held in Teatro Denza (Neaples).

Takes part at the theatrical project Donne… a qualcosa par che servano, with the direction of Nicola Cariglia. Performance in Teatro Le Laudi (Florence).

Teaches Tuscan folk songs and culture for the Compagnia per l’acquisto dell’ottone, organized by Comune of Prato.

Takes part at the theatrical project C’era una volta… Firenze with Titta Nesti, Adolfo Cappello, Giovanni Pecchioli, Franco Nesti and Stefano Rapicavoli, produced by Teatro Le Laudi (Florence).

Writes and stages the solo recital ‘O paese d’’o sole… come pioveva




Takes part at the theatrical project Avan… spettacolo, with Lisetta Luchini, Luca di Volo and Eleonora Tassinari, produced by the Teatro Le Laudi (Florence).

Takes part at the project Circoscrizioni in festa (Pianura - Napoli)

Actor and singer in the show Folk tabarin (with Lisetta Luchini).

Tour in Germany (Dresda, Bärwalde, Meissen, Loschwitz).

Publishes the book Voglio fare il comico.

Writes and stages the solo recital Menu napoletano




Teaches Cabaret and Variety techniques in Teatro Nuovo Dory Cei (Florence).

Takes part at the project Per/formare la vita of the Comune di Firenze with La tombola del doppio senso. Performance in Caffè letterario Giubbe rosse (Florence).

Tour in Poland (Dobrzen; Polska Cerekiew; Prószków).

Takes part at the project Dipingere con la luce of the artist Daniele Lorenzo Fumagalli, writing and reciting poetries Mare verde and Vola, amico mio. Performances in Milan, Turin, Florence, Modena and Catania.

Actor and singer in the show Pizza fantasia (with Giovanni Lepri, Sergio Forconi,  Raul Bulgherini e Giovanna Brilli).

Writes and stages the solo recital Il segreto di Pulcinella

Writes and stages the solo recital Odoardo Spadaro e il Moulin Rouge

Writes and stages the solo recital Omaggio a Murolo e Modugno




Composes the music for the poem Voce 'e popolo by Vincenzo Russo and takes part at the event 'Nu suonno. Performance in Teatro Denza (Neaples).

Teaches Cabaret and Variety techniques in Centro Polivalente Michele Ventrone of San Giusto (Prato).

Tournée in Moldova (Chisinau).

Show man, with the folk singer Lisetta Luchini, in the TV show Varietà per Varie… età. The direction was by Ferraro Cianchi (over the airwaves of TV Prato).




Voice in event show Donne, Pace, Musica, Parole with the company Versus, organized from the Comune di Prato. Performance in Palazzo Novellucci (Prato).

Voice with the group Canta e sona (Luca Di Volo, Francesco Burroni, Eleonora Tancredi and Filippo Pedol). Performance in Torrenieri (Siena).

Actor and singer in the show Duetti in… cantati (with Lisetta Luchini).

Tour in Polonia (Prószków).

Tour in Japan (Oita).

Writes and stages the solo recital Guerra e pace nel canto napoletano

Writes and stages the solo recital Le parole di Gennarino

Writes and stages the solo recital Canti migranti




Composes the music for the poems Dio lo vuole e Finale for the performance Cedo nulli of Gianna Maria Mucci. Performances in Salone Brunelleschi, Palagio di Parte Guelfa (FI).

Collaborates, as an author and singer, to the CD Summit Summer.

Voice in the event concert Leggende di pace of Luca Di Volo (approximately 50 musicians on stage) held in Villa Demidoff di Pratolino (Florence).

Voice in the event concert Omaggio a Fabrizio De André organized from the Comune di Prato. Concerts in Auditorium Datini and Teatro Fabbricone (Prato).

Tournée in Japan (Oita).

Writes and stages the solo recital Viaggio nella storia del canto di Partenope






Voice with Orchestra Big Band X in Florence (Piazza della Signoria and Piazza della Passera), in the context of the manifestation Maori in Florence. Having a duet with the famous Maori singer Moana Maniapoto.

Records the CD Benvenuti a… Carro.

Takes part at the project In the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies (with the Trio Musik and Pompeo Perrone). Performances in Agricantus Theater and S. Mauro Castelverde (Palermo).

Tour in Japan (Nagoya, Gifu, Rakusai, Kyoto, Hamamatsu, Sakay, Senboku and Osaka).

Publishes the book L'eredità di Partenope.

Narrating voice in the video Assistenza al ritorno spontaneo, about the activities of reconstruction of InterSOS in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

Narrating voice in video CD ROM Ecomuseo del Casentino, realized from the CRED and the Montana Community of the Casentino.

Writes and stages the solo recital Le tour de la chanson (la storia della canzone)

Writes and stages the solo recital Il lamento del carbonaio e altre storie

Writes and stages the solo recital Cafè, tabbarè & cabbarè




Voice and guitar with the group Folk Festa Band (italian folk songs in Yiddish style). Concerts in Florence (Piazza S. Spirito, S. Monaca, Rignano sull'Arno and Suoni dal gazebo) and Prato (I Risorti club).

Actor and singer in the show Varietà per varie… età (with Brunetto Salvini, Lisetta Luchini and Giovanni Lepri). Performances in Teatro Guido Monaco (Prato) and Circolo Scintilla (San Michele Agliana - Pistoia).

Collaborates, as a singer, to the CD Natale a Firenze.

Writes and stages the solo recital Che cos’è il cabaret?

Writes and stages the solo recital Il juke-box delle donne




Voice and guitar with the group Carrosone band (cover of the great Renato Carosone). Concerts in Florence (Parterre, Montemurlo and Anconella.

Writes and stages the solo recital Partenopeo e parte… fiorentino

Writes and stages the solo recital Carosello napoletano

Writes and stages the solo recital Le canzoni dei partigiani




Voice and guitar with the group Tarantella (South of Italy folk music group). Concerts in La Spezia (Cachondeo, Riomaggiore and Porto Lotti.

Actor and singer in Cafè Olé: Varieté Improvvisé of Enzo Carro and Lisetta Luchini. Performances in Florence (Borgo San Lorenzo, Il Boschetto and Le Piagge) and Golf club (Poppi - AR).

Writes and stages the solo recital Omaggio a Totò




Soloist voice in the musical comedy Il vecchio, il nuovo e lei (with Brunetto Salvini and Tiziana Caserta). Performances in Partina and Stia (Arezzo).

Tour in Morocco with the Italian Consulate of Tangeri in occasion of the Week of Italian Culture.

Writes and stages the solo recital Cantar maggio

Writes and stages the solo recital La tombola del doppio senso




Tenor with the company Gruppo Attori Insieme in musical commedy Napolitudine by Enzo Avolio. Performances in Roma (Teatro Vittoria, Ladispoli and Auditorium di Nettuno).

The company Sedano fiorito represents his comedy La seduta spiritica. Performances in Latina (Fondi, Campomele and Lenola).

Composes the theme song for the radio broadcast C'era una volta Firenze of Brunetto Salvini (over the airwaves of Lady Radio). The same becamed the theme song of the musical comedy I tempi cambiano: c'era una volta l'acqua cheta by Brunetto Salvini. Performances in Teatro Aurora di Scandicci and Campi Bisenzio Auditorium (Florence).

Composes the song All’ombra di’ Brindellone as theme song for the radio broadcast Lo scoppio del carro of Brunetto Salvini (over the airwaves of Lady Radio).




Tenor in the operette company La Barraca, in the show Conti, scugnizzi e… vedove allegre. Performances in Vicenza; Cittadella (Padova) and Cerea (Verona).

Teaches Neapolitan language for a masterclass of lyric singing held from M° Tal Fontleroy, in Palazzo Vagnotti of Cortona (Arezzo).

Sings with the group I bizantina (South of Italy folk music group). Concerts in Parterre (Florence) and Cecina (Livorno).

Soloist voice in the musical commedy Caffè Vesuvio (with Brunetto Salvini, Mago Manuel, Mago Giovanni and Mago Bios). Performances in Teatro di Quarate (Firenze).

Writes and stages the solo recital In Toscana si cantava così

Writes and stages the solo recital Cantata natalizia




Soloist voice in musical commedy C'era una volta il monologo: Firenze/Napoli with the Brunetto Salvini Company. Performances in Florence (Teatro S. Leone, Teatro Everest di San Casciano, Mercatale, Montespertoli, Borgo San Lorenzo, Romola, Bottai, Teatro Vingone, Scandicci, Teatro Torregalli, Anconella, Sorgane, Bagnese, Incisa Valdarno, Teatro di Cestello and Quarate), in Arezzo (Teatro Comunale di Stia, Teatro S. Andrea di Montevarchi, Teatrino di Moggiona, Teatro degli Antei di Pratovecchio e Teatrino di Partina) and in Larciano (Pistoia), Volterra (Pisa), Prato and Rigomagno (Siena).

Presenter of the event Atto d'amore e solidarietà (soccer and show event), at the Florence Palasport, with the stars: Eleonora Vallone, Giancarlo Antognoni, Laura Troschel, Adriana Russo, Luciano Chiarugi, Niki Giustini, Graziano Salvadori and Alessandro Canino.

Writes and stages the solo recital Napoli tra canti e sorrisi

Writes and stages the solo recital Canti da menestrello

Writes and stages the solo recital Il sesso è peccato… peccato

Writes and stages the solo recital Napoli spiegata e spiegazzata

Writes and stages the solo recital Aria d’Italia




Voice with group Duo Popolare Toscano (with Alexander Scavetta). Performances in Florence (Giardini di Bellariva, Chiostro di S. Ambrogio, Via Luna, Oratorio di S. Felice, Circolo Isolotto, Piazza Indipendenza and Gignoro).

Soloist voice in musical commedy 'Na festa 'e piazza with the company CTS/Juvenilia. Performances in Moscow and Odintsovo (former USSR).

Writes and stages the solo recital Villanelle e tarantella.

Writes and stages the solo recital Canto, conto, rido e sgrido

Writes and stages the solo recital Canti neapolitani

Writes and stages the solo recital Aria di ieri




Musician with the company Compagnia della Nave, in the commedy I' peccato of B. Battaglini. Performances in Teatro SRMS (Florence).

Tenor in Coro della Toscana (directed by M° Roberto Gabbiani), in the opera Edipo Coloneo of Sofocle/Rossini (directed by Luciano Alberti) and in Ivanhoè of G. Rossini (orchestra directed by Peter Maag). Performances in Teatro dei Rinnovati (Siena).

Teaches singing in the music school El Cabildo (Florence).

Teaches history of the Neapolitan song in Florence University.

Voice with a cappella group Trio Popolare Toscano (with Alexander Scavetta and Pietro Calabretta). Performances in Pelago and Certaldo (Florence).




Male protagonist in musical commedy La Lupa di G. Verga, with the company I Giullari di Piazza. Performances in New York City (St. Mark's Church in Bowery and City Hall); New York State (Harbor Memorial Hall of Staten Island and Villa Baglieri of Highland); New Jersey (Joachim's Church Theater of Trenton) and Connecticut (Yale University Theatre of New Haven).




Actor and musician with the cabaret group Lo Scarabocchio in the show: T.I.E! Performances in Florence, Novi Ligure (Alessandria), Aulla (Massa Carrara) and Seggiano (Grosseto).

Begins a long collaboration with the entertainment group La Giostra. Performances in Florence and province (Compiobbi; Molin del Piano; Campi Bisenzio; Calenzano; Dicomano and Cerbaia); Quarrata (Pistoia); Prato; Pontedera (Pisa); Sinalunga (Siena); Poggibonsi (Pisa); Isola d'Elba (Livorno); Monte San Savino (Arezzo); Domegge di Cadore (Belluno); Chieti; Taormina (Messina); Arezzo and Roma.

Collaborates with the entertainment group I Sonnambuli. Performances in Florence (Teatro di Rifredi) and Como.




Voice and flauto with Sunata Antica (South of Italy folk music group). Concerts in Florence and province (Reggello, Montaione, Castelfiorentino, Certaldo; Calenzano, Empoli, Scarperia and Monsummano Terme); Marina di Massa (Grosseto); Volterra (Pisa); Stroncone (Terni) and Barni (Como). Tournée in Germany (Postdam, Einstein Cafè of Berlin and 3° Weinfest of Berlin) and in Hungary (University Theatre - Budapest).

Begins to study opera singing style. Has followed the teaching of M°: Rinaldo Grattarola, Luciana Bartolacci, Ciro Nanni, Aldo Reggioli, Paolo De Napoli and Elisa Turlà.




Soloist voice with Hercte (South of Italy folk music group). Tour in Switzerland (Juvenile Center of Lugano and Stuz Theater of Zurigo) and in Austria (Erwins Stüberl of St. Margareten, Tunnel Club, KUK Club and Andean Club of Vienna; Kulturschenkhaus of Eisenstadt; Taverne Club of Michelstetten; Gute stübe of Bad Vöslau).




Actor and musician with the company Gruppo culturale d'avanguardia in the commedy 'O miedeco de' pazzi of V. Scarpetta. Performances in Teatro Corona and Teatro delle prigioni (Neaples).

Studies violin and solfeggio with M° Rosario Principe.




Actor and musician with the company Cenacolo dei teatranti in the commedy Via Toledo di notte of R. Viviani. Performances in Teatrino Camaldoli (Neaples).




Voice and flute with Musici di Corte (South of Italy folk music group). Collaborations with the theatrical company Arte collettiva. Performances in Pianura, Contrada Romano and Teatro La Perla (Neaples).



Home page

Enzo Carro - Tel. 339/1918246